Santa Monica Quaker Meeting

Welcome to Santa Monica Friends Meeting

Santa Monica Friends Meeting is part of the Religious Society of Friends (also known as Quakers). Our meetings for worship are held in expectant silence with no formal program or clergy. Each worshiper seeks to listen to the Spirit of God within. If that spirit brings to any of us a message that seems clearly to speak to the condition of others, we may rise to give that message as vocal ministry.

As Friends we endeavor to translate our religious beliefs into everyday life, seeking to “let our lives speak.” Simplicity, equality, integrity, and peace/nonviolence are ideals toward which we strive both in our lives and in the world.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to join us in silent worship and reflection.

Worship with us!

Contact Us


1440 Harvard Street

Santa Monica, CA 90404

(Please park in the lot behind our building.  Street parking is by permit only.)

Meeting Times

Silent Meeting for Worship 10:00 – 11:00 am

1st and 3rd Sundays, Silent Meeting for Worship  8:30-9:15

Fellowship After Meeting for Worship 11:00 am

A note about Covid: We follow LA County health guidelines pertaining to indoor worship. In regards to masking, the present guideline leaves that decision to the individual’s discretion. If, however, you are experiencing any symptoms that might be due to Covid, please help us protect the health of all by refraining from in-person attendance, but please do join us on Zoom. 

Worshipping with us

The Meeting House is open each Sunday morning for worship and those who are unable to attend in-person are invited to join us via zoom.

We have also scheduled weekly Zoom meetings for Friends worship on Thursday nights, 6:00 pm official start time, closing at approx 7:00 pm.

If you would like to take part in any of these meetings, please email us at for the codes/links.